Seit 1989

Our advantage

We do not just analyze, consulting, concepting and planing out of the box: Since 1989 we run a business ourselfs with ECO-products and know by experience how to develop, design and to market articles to ambitious customers.
We have projects for the following well-known companies accomplished:
recycling products
Furniture & Consulting
Furniture WWF Panda SA
METANOIA* Marketing: This is applied ECO marketing:

Sustainable and implementable

Do you have a product you are interested in
to better sustainability and its marketing
want to optimize? - We find
gaps and make suggestions for improvement.

Do you need assistance with the Marketing your ECO products? – We analyze the current situation and develop marketing planning, advertising concepts, public relations work, etc. as required

Das Wort Metanoia ist griechisch und über
2000 Jahre alt. Es bedeutet „Umdenken, „weiter denken“, „darüber hinaus denken“,
Es bezweckte die Menschen zum Umdenken
für einen Wandel, hin zum nachhaltigen Handeln anzuregen. Dieses Umdenken muss im
eigenen Kopf beginnen um im persönlichen
Leben, in der Beziehung zu anderen und im
Verhältnis zu Natur, Umwelt, Religion und