Marketing conception & planning

Our Offer for Project Management: The Realisation of the Marketing Mix

After the marketing concept has been created, its exact execution is inevitable for the success. As the «project marketing» must be consequently must be crossed: Changes, or even the omission of planned, relevant measures might bring the project to trip. The «rolling» planning almost always leads to failure in marketing, the same goes for the lacking assertiveness of the project leadership.
The project management requires a self-employed, corporate, creative, and resilient leadership and organisation personalities. The tasks and competences might be very extensive: Important are the scheduling and the planning of milestones, cost controlling, product meetings, organiser, and contact persons – both internally as well as externally. Our service is offered to clients, employees, employees, customers, suppliers, banks, competitors, the press, neighbours, environmental protection organizations, authorities.

Seit der Gründung von Metanoia Marketing 1989 hat Jo Junz zusammen mit Mitarbeitern und Partnern viele Projekte geleitet: Sowohl kleine (über wenige Arbeitstage) bis hin zum einem komplexen Bauprojekt von der Vision über das Konzept, das Marketing, die Projektleitung bis zu den Garantieabnahmen über 7 Jahre: Eine familienfreundliche, Minergie Holzbau-Wohnsiedlung mit einem budgetierten Projektvolumen +/-15% von CHF 21 Mio: Das Budget wurde mit nur 3.5% Mehrkosten ausgezeichnet eingehalten. Das Dossier über dieses Projekt senden wir ihnen gerne auf Anfrage.

Our Marketing Counselling is Simply Award-winning

Nobody can drive a car or play an instrument just by studying. It needs a lot of practice. Of course, this also applies to the development and implementation of marketing concepts, where practical experience is essential.

«Knowledge is experience, everything else is merely information» Albert Einstein

We live in a world with millions, no billions of available information. Due to the access to the internet, everybody might receive know-how about «everything». Nonetheless, the chances of the World Wide Web as well as the «Wicki»-information overstrains many people with it time budget and especially with the mass of information. They lose the overview and do no longer able to concentrate on the important content and targets. Very often, the complexity and the number of solutions complicate or impede the decision-making and thus the ability to act. Therefore, they need talked to focus. It is our job as councillor to accompany our clients with questions, analyses of situations, a reflexion and structured approach, when all priorities are set, and decisions could be taken. As practitioner, we actively help, if needed to implement your objectives.

Our Decision-making Process

Josef Junz, Marketing Manager holding a confederate diploma realised from 1990 onwards and has gone ahead with its partners in 20 countries, realising many projects, product designs, and is fabrication up to their marketing. From these massive practical experiences on the market in various branches, our clients may profit. See:

Marketing concept and planning

A marketing concept includes the corporate strategy, its targets and measures for the successful alignment of the company on the market. Using a systematic decision-making process, we develop the basis for the overall marketing concept, the "script" for the implementation of the future marketing measures defined therein. To do this, all relevant factors must be defined in the company-specific correct weighting, the so-called marketing mix:

The Classical Marketing Mix

The key factors are combined from the following points: market, product range, pricing, product design, advertisement, public relations, sales channels, customer service, ecological factors. Depending on the product and the market, these individual factors weighed on a different level. In case of a luxury car the design for example, the furnishing is the central issue, the price might, no, should even be high. With a car available for a small price, the clients receive a car with a reduced design and the production leads to a lower price.

Marketing Satirically X-Rayed

Despite of a further marketing textbook (there are enough of them), Jo Junz, the owner of Metanoia Marketing, had already written in 1994 a satire glossary about the marketing mix. The small work will very deliberately show the zeitgeist and disputable tendencies and develops our marketing and economic system which has regarding sustainability lots «of room for improvements».

The Marketing Mixer

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